At My Life Tutors, we are committed to creating an equitable world for all people by providing the appropriate support needed for our clients to achieve academic and professional success.
Our strategies focus on providing clients of varying abilities and needs with tools, coaching, accountability partners, and advocacy to increase access to opportunities.
for young adults who need additional support due to their background, skill levels, or diagnosed learning differences.
our group coaching program, teaches the “hidden curriculum” of higher education to support on-time and on-budget graduation.
our stand-alone ebook for families of prospective college students.
looking for a post-high school plan for neurodivergent teens and adults - call us today.
supporting neurodivergent students in the classroom, Recognizing
neurodivergence in the classroom, Reasonable accommodations and Universal Design.
My Life Tutors individual remote services are flexible enough to accommodate various stages of neurodiverse life - from ADHD to Autism and Dyslexia - with our full complement of My Life Tutors programs. We use an app for communication between the Life Tutor and the client.
Our strategies focus on providing clients of varying abilities and needs with tools, coaching, accountability partners, and advocacy to increase access to opportunities and enhance:
Organizational Skills
Goal Setting
College Graduation
Career Actualization
High Life Satisfaction
Successful, Persistent Matriculation for neurodivergent college students
Career & Life Goal Actualization - Life Transitions
Transition and Success Coaching for the college experience
Plan for on-time and within budget college graduation
Learn about the newest research and how to best serve neurodivergent students in the K12 and College classroom and at work
Our services are designed to fit your individual and specific needs, so whether you’re neurodivergent or neurotypical, our coaches are here to help you succeed.
Fill out this brief form and get answers to your questions, and to sign up for more updates on our services.
Hours of Operation:
M-F 10 am - 5pm EST/1PM - 8PM PST
Rockfield Road
Windsor Mill, MD 21244
Serving the Continental United States
Copyright @2024 by My Life Tutors