10 Questions to ask your advisor
When we go into higher education, often we don’t know what we don’t know. So we don’t know how to access all the resources available to support us on our way. These questions can help you get the most out of the relationship with your college advisor:
If I don’t know what I want to study, what classes do you suggest I take?
If I need help with work, how can I find a tutor?
How hard is it to change majors?
Are there any special programs I might not be aware of?
The course catalog is overwhelming - is there a secret to getting through it all?
How do I find out about clubs and activities?
What do successful students at this school do that unsuccessful ones don’t?
What was hard for you when you went to school?
Do you think you will be a good advisor for me?
What did you wish you knew before you went on to higher education?
Remember, your advisor is there to help you and guide you. Don’t show up with your schedule set in stone until you hear the answers to your questions.