My Life Tutors Can Help Colleges and Universities Support their Neurodiverse or underprepared populations of students.
We can personalize a white-label version of our College Jumpstart Course through your online portal. School-specific guidance will be added to personalize the experience to your students, calendar, term structure, etc. We will work hand-in-hand with your Career Planning, Academic Advising, and Student Affairs Organizations to escort vulnerable students through offerings and opportunities related to your higher education programs, while we build their study, employment, social, and life skills. Together we can fight these realities explained more in-depth on Admissionly.com:
In 2019, the percentage of students obtaining education beyond a high school diploma was less than 50%
Of that 50%:
The average college graduation rate is 59%
89% of low-income first-generation students drop out
43% of students enrolled in a 2-year public community college drop out before getting a degree
36% of American Indian/Alaska Native students drop out just after two years at 4-year colleges
45.9% of Black students complete their graduation at four-year public colleges within 6 years.
Only 13% of students graduate in two years at community colleges.
Only 5% of Neurodiverse students graduate on time in spite of having been top of their classes in high school
And we also know that students leave for many reasons - 70% of which are not related to finances. Many are related to not being able to balance their personal, family, school, and work demands. Others are due to a lack of academic preparation, mental and emotional health, and homesickness which can be mitigated through consistent and knowledgeable touchpoints no farther than their smartphone.
Call us at 202-774-6231 to set up a time to talk.
Source Data: Eye-Opening College Dropout rates and Statistics 2021, Admissionly.com, retrieved on 8/18/2021. https://admissionsly.com/college-dropout-rates