Returning to College after a hiatus?
As I’ve said before, my own kid, after a long hiatus, decided to go back to school. I wasn’t willing to waste tuition money again. So I went to find someone who could help him; I couldn’t find it and built this. So what was I looking for?
Someone who wasn’t his mother - take the baggage and emotion out of it.
Someone who could commit to the daily/weekly interaction
Someone who could track his goals and provide proactive support and accountability
Someone who had finished college in the last decade or so.
Someone who would follow what I knew he needed.
Here’s what the research says:
Habits are the framework upon which our lives run every day. If you are consistent, a new habit can be formed in approximately 66 days. (https://jamesclear.com/new-habit)
Lists have been proven to be an effective tool to be more productive and successful. (https://www.fastcompany.com/3063392/how-writing-to-do-lists-helps-your-brain-even-when-you-dont-comple)
Having a relationship with a mentor can have a significant impact on whether or not a student persists and graduates from college. (https://www.bestcolleges.com/blog/college-mentor-student-success/#:~:text=An%20Expert%20in%20Your%20Field,and%20guide%20your%20decision%2Dmaking.)
Having an accountability partner significantly increases one’s ability to set and achieve goals (https://signatureanalytics.com/blog/accountability-partners-and-why-you-need-one/#:~:text=You%20stay%20on%20track%3A%20Having,into%20actionable%20and%20attainable%20steps.)
When ND students persist in college to graduation, their outcomes tend to be much lower than their peers due to the lack of support at most colleges. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-019-04267-8)
30 % of all college Students drop out before their sophomore year (https://educationdata.org/college-dropout-rates#:~:text=more%20educated%20peers.-,In%20the%20United%20States%2C%20the%20overall%20dropout%20rate%20for%20undergraduate,28%20countries%20in%20OECD%20studies.) - for ND students its 3x as much. (https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170517005333/en/Students-With-Learning-Disabilities-Are-Nearly-Three-Times-As-Likely-to-Drop-Out-of-School)
Task attack skills can be taught. (https://www.understood.org/articles/en/at-a-glance-7-ways-to-teach-your-high-schooler-organization-skills)
And that’s what we do.