Why Didn’t They Teach Me That In School?
One of the shared traits of our coaching clients is the lack of life and school preparation I think most young adults share coming out of high school. So we realized that there was room for something that did just that: fill in all the secret, confusing, but important and necessary stuff everybody learns the hard way. But is that really what you want for them to have to do? Why not teach or show college students exactly what they need to know besides just academic subjects so they do life better when it is their time to shine?
The College Jumpstart Class is our product that teaches “all the stuff we never learned in school”. Students are coached through each semester of college with two short lessons per week – a life/social skill and a study/work skill – and a 15-minute weekly check-in with their course coach to help with more personalized needs. We run this class for 16 weeks beginning August 30 – December 17. Students can enroll as long as it’s before the drop/add period at their college or university. Topics range from ‘going to meet and take a selfie with the Dean’ to ‘how to change a tire’.
This class is leveled by student year and semester to address their needs based on their matriculation. Call it an insurance plan for families of sorts. We will maximize their college enrollment and matriculation by guiding them through using the best resources their school has to offer. Weekly touchpoints with their dedicated course coach mean it is literally someone’s job to talk things out before problems arise during this exciting but challenging experience. College Jumpstart can help make it the best experience too.